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  • RaviG
    02-01 05:35 PM
    it seems like a good question to ask

    They are closed for the new questions. Can some one edit their question to include this part. This questions shows why fixing GC is important for americans and american competetiveness.

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  • Macaca
    02-15 05:32 PM
    Reid Schedules Vote On House's Iraq Resolution (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/15/AR2007021500876.html)

    Senate Democratic leaders abruptly switched course in the Iraq war debate today, shelving a complicated non-binding resolution that has run into procedural hurdles, in favor of a House version that simply states Congress's objections to President Bush's troop escalation plan.

    Moral of report: Politics 101

    1. Things can change abruptly.

    2. Some things will not pass as much as you want it.

    3. If some thing is not passing, try to salvage as much as you can.

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  • aviko21
    09-29 02:05 AM
    They might have found some irregularity or discrepancy in your current petition! Never heard of something like this before though!
    Please consult a lawyer Your question is better answered by him!
    Good Luck

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  • ThinkTwice
    07-11 06:13 PM
    The ISA of

    My 2 cents

    Please contact international students from local universities.


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  • fide_champ
    12-13 11:36 PM
    Could you please let me know when was your visa appointment and how many days it took before you got your passport. Mine was 6th Dec and no update from consulate yet.

    It took 7 working days for me to get the passport back. My wife also applied for H1B and it took only 2 days for her. I think it differs by case and how complicated your situation is. The reports in murthy said they should have every information after 2004 in PIMS database. Any query for the record before 2004 may not be present and it takes a couple of days atleast to update the database if a query is made. It's better if you have atleast 10 days time after the visa interview.

    The officer questioned me about my employer in US during the year 1999-2000. So it is entirely possible that they may check your old H1s/L1s etc., So plan accordingly to avoid any further grief.

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  • paskal
    05-24 10:03 PM
    Doesnt consulting clause remove most of the Indian companies from the picture anyways?

    only time will tell...


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  • yabadaba
    01-30 08:44 AM
    Office of management and budget...yes they will

    once the rule is published in the federal register and ppl have commented on it...its pretty much set to go

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  • Humhongekamyab
    07-02 04:53 PM
    I could not help but to post all my research. i myself recovered money successfully from ex employer.now i am 100% confident that i can handle all claims(only when i am right and have proper documentation) without a lawyer.never file a case in first step.this is how one can go.....
    1) complain to State DOL (not federal dol) with the one page filled form and required documents.i faxed the form at 9pm in the night and next morning at 8:30 am i got a call from the investigator to verify my complaint.i said yes.by afternoon he called the employer and asked abt the complaint.at that time my state had only 2 investigators for whole state but see the quick response.i asked investigator how he is going to proceed.he said over 80% are solved on phone.this is how they do it.the investigator calls employer and says i received complaint like this and do u accept or not.if u do not accept we have to come to ur office and look at all the records.if we find more violations we will issue 100$(my state had this fee) for each violation.if u accept u have to pay 100$ for this violation....take a guess what the employer says....by next day afternoon investigation was done.then state dol sends violation notice to employer and employer pays that.after 1 week i got complete documents of the investigation and a letter saying this will help in ur civil case to recover money.
    2) i waited for some time to give my employer time if he is going to give my money.but i did not get.next thing i did is went to federal dol Wage and hour(W&H) office which was near to my home.u have to remember federal dol w&H works different from state dol.state dol investigates and imposes fine etc and sends all the resulting documents to u.federal dol w&h takes the complaint and works to settle the wages between u and employer.for my case employer was willing to pay 5 times less than what i was supposed to get.dol w&h called me and said r u willing to settle for this amount.i said no and i will go to court.again i got the documents after 2 or 3 days.
    3) here u have option to go to court to file a civil case or complain to ICE.ICE is little serious thing and i thought i will do that if i run out all my options.
    4) filing a civil case in small claims court is very easy if u follow right steps.u have to know company exact info as per secretary of state filing. search secretary of state "ur state" in google and u will get ur state secretary of state web site. search the company name and find ur exact company name,agent name and address.
    also,u have to file in the same county where ur employer is in or if ur employer is out of state u might file where u r working(some like that).i would ask the clerk whether i can file this case here.if its wrong county,ur case disposition will be rejected.u will waste fees and u have to file again in right county.even though i found all the info and asked the clerk 5 times,she told me the wrong info.ofcourse i recovered that money too.each state has limit on small claims court.mine was like 7000$ and 7500$ was the limit. as per the law if u did not get ur salary within 48hrs or the next pay date of the company u r entitled to get 3 times what u r owed.u need to write a letter saying why u r filing and how much u want.this letter is very important and write what documents proof u have.i wrote dol investigation was already done and i have all the documents proof and hence i am claiming 21,000$ as per the law.since small claims court has 7500$ limited, judge will give u 7500$ when u win the case.after filing the case employer will have 30 days and mine was settled out of court for the full amount he owed including the court costs.if the amount is more than small claims court amount u can file in appeals court.u can defend ur self and no need of attorney as DOL already completed investigation successfully in favor of u.there is no way employer can deny the dol investigation results.
    5) if going to court is too intimidating go for ICE and ice does all the work for u.but ICE is a very serious organization and u know the rest.....
    do not communicate with the employer by phone or by in person.if u want, communicate thru e-mail as there will be proof and be very courteous,professional as if u r the victim.keep all the e-mails and replies if at all u go to court and show the judge.judges always gives benefit of doubt to employee in these cases and to tenants in landlord-tenant cases regarding lease,deposits etc.
    the negative thing abt going to court in the first step is u do not have proof that ur employer did not give checks.usually employers run the pay roll regularly but they do not give u the checks.they save all those checks with the right date when u were supposed to get but they do not give.when u go to the court in first step what they do is show copies of those checks and tell the judge i gave the checks on time and u did not deposit.the burden is on the employee to deposit the checks on right time.so,basically u r screwed at that time.all these employers know that.that is why u have to be calm and diligent so that u do not do this silly mistake.
    this is how i went and i read a lot on the internet before doing.hope this helps.please do research and act accordingly as each case may differ...
    I am not an attorney...i am just an immigrant stuck in GC Q like u guys....

    Thanks for posting your experience. Good job.


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  • ingegarcia
    02-06 10:43 AM
    thanks for explaining. my suggestion then is to go to school on F1 (maybe ?) and get a degree that can help him/her get a job that qualifies under H1b.

    Our main goal to solve the retrogression problem.

    Since you can study under H4 you cannot apply for F1 (My wife tried that already) :)

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  • DesiGuy
    09-17 11:34 AM
    steve king earlier said he was OK with ammendent.

    seems Lofgren's stroger and is proposing hte ammendment for 6020.

    hoping she gets upper hand in 5882 as well :)


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  • jthomas
    03-13 12:41 PM
    you had waited for such a long time. I would suggest to take a big break and visit india and come back. In fact you can do the same in EAD. Think forward don't get your emotions in the way.

    That is correct, 9 months and then I will return to my country for good.
    I am waiting for the day when we get the GC , we will tear it into pieces and throw in front of consulate.


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  • ItIsNotFunny
    08-25 05:28 PM
    its clearly written in Sep'2008 bulletin. However, seems like EB3-I wont' get any of it and all numbers will be given to EB2. we loose again.

    Its all EB2.

    They even can't think logically that 5+ yrs of difference between EB3 & EB2 makes EB3 automatically same as EB2 as per their qualification definition.


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  • burnt
    07-15 07:42 AM

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  • Sleepless_in_Seattle
    07-20 01:27 PM
    Hi Guys,

    Consider a scenario:

    One goes back to native country, Europe or somewhere else while GC is in process.

    Comes back after one year with new organization and files for new labor, I-140 etc.

    Will the person have his / her PD from the previous labor / I-140?

    May be I am talking something stupid, but just came to my mind.


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  • gpr
    01-19 08:46 AM
    Count me in. I am not on H1 but we need to stop this in its tracks.

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  • tampacoolie
    09-29 01:13 PM
    Was your previous approval based on an extension ? [Pending LC/Approved I-140 etc] ?
    Yes. It was pending LC and they approved my I-140 last week. The status update happened immediately after my I-140 approval.Does your current transfer require documents from the previous employer ? [LC/Approved I-140] ? Yes. It was LC that was pending with my previous employer. Were you paid the prevailing wages mentioned in the LCA of previous H1B ?
    Yes. I was getting paid little more.
    Can this be supported by the W2 of last financial year [Not the paycheck].
    Did you have I-94 attached in the previously approved H1B ?

    Please answer these questions it might be helpful in finding what might have raised the red flag.

    See the answers


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  • arnab221
    09-17 10:55 AM
    The people ae still trickling in . Since the issue is not that important they are taking their own sweet time to come in . The issue is not about the Nation's horses you see , so none cares much . As I said before , our priority is below horses .:D

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  • Macaca
    12-09 08:11 AM
    GcSoon-Ihope is from France. I thought that retrogression is mainly for India with some effects on China, Philipines and Mexico.

    Please explain why bulletins are applicable to you. Thanks.

    Merry Christmas!

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  • rkartik78
    07-18 03:26 PM
    Pd: Jun 2006
    Reached Nebraska: 7/2 10:25 am
    Rejected: Don Know
    Ck Cashed: Not Yet
    Name of the person signed: J.BARRRET

    I had mine signed by J.Barrret

    04-02 06:28 PM
    there are two factors here:

    1. Regarding consultant coming to US. As employer told he does not have bonafide job offer. he is at 0% fault and consultant 100%.

    2. Regarding paying for h1b fee. employer obviously did not make money here but he was not supposed to take money from consultant.

    it's all about greed on both sides.

    04-11 01:23 PM
    Thanks Know_DOL AND lOST_IN_Migration for your support. Please keep up the good work. It is DO or DIE situation for all of us stuck in retrogression. Miracle happens when we do something. By not going anything we are accepting the defeat.

    People, please come forward and contribute.

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