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pink floyd animals

pink floyd animals. Animals
  • Animals

  • veeco3110
    Jul 9, 11:32 AM
    I'll be there! Haha last year the line for the iPhone wrapped around the building. Should he fun

    pink floyd animals. Pink Floyd-Animals 1977
  • Pink Floyd-Animals 1977

  • RonYosafi
    Sep 2, 02:23 AM
    I like mine plain, this is my one. How do u guys make ur docks like that inside a black rectangle.

    pink floyd animals. Featured on:Pink Floyd,
  • Featured on:Pink Floyd,

  • InuNacho
    Apr 7, 03:37 PM
    I must admit that the sit-in version did give that in-the-X-Wing-cockpit feeling. My favorite sit-in, though, was Omega Race.

    By the way, InuNacho, yes, the original sounds for Yar's Revenge left a lot to be desired. However, Yar's Revenge was IMHO the best original (i.e. not adapted from an arcade version) Atari 2600 sci-fi game in terms of gameplay.

    ...Debate, anyone?

    Actually I was referring to the iPad version of the game not the 2600 classic.
    Unfortunately I've only seen footage for two of the 2600 games, Yar's Revenge and Breakout and both of them sound like they have some emulation problems.

    What someone should do is create some kind of DB-9 to 30 pin adaptor doohickey so that you can plug in old controllers and stuff into your Touch/Pad.

    pink floyd animals. Pink Floyd Animals Album Art.
  • Pink Floyd Animals Album Art.

  • clayj
    Sep 27, 05:04 AM
    Looks nice, but I already have my own mail server (Exchange 2003) and it works perfectly, with Outlook Web Access and ActiveSync to my Windows Mobile smartphone. :)


    pink floyd animals. Pink Floyd Animals England
  • Pink Floyd Animals England

  • AidenShaw
    Mar 26, 11:49 PM
    My post was only specific to do with his mannerisms: triangular hand positioning (Jobs; and actors of V) the most noticeable. To me that is kissing arse; no need to copy that.

    Explain the dingle-berries then.... ;)

    pink floyd animals. Pink Floyd - Animals
  • Pink Floyd - Animals

  • thaialism
    Mar 28, 01:40 AM
    "The iphone is finally out for Verizon! I couldn't wait to get one, and thanks to a buy one get one free deal I have an extra one! Don't miss your chance to own one of these! Best phone with the best network. This auction is for a photo of an iPhone only, no phone included. Don't worry about shipping, it's free to the lower 48 states! if you live outside of this region please contact me ahead of time and let me know, I'll calculate additional shipping. Thanks!"

    statement 1: The iphone is finally out for Verizon! I couldn't wait to get one, and thanks to a buy one get one free deal I have an extra one!

    Statement 2: Don't miss your chance to own one of these!

    statement 3: This auction is for a photo of an iPhone only, no phone included.
    statement 2, states you could own one of "these" referring to the previous statement of the free iphone 4 he supposedly got from a buy one get one, deal
    statement 3 is where they mentioned that it's just a photo

    first option: if it was me i would contact ebay and paypal and said that the item arrived was not as described =D it wasn't one of "these" as the seller had described....since the seller described two features to the auction and you've only received 1 (the photo portion)....worth a try?

    second option: the item is described as used, you're photo is new =D return.

    third option: the photo was damaged during shipping =D

    fourth option: the photo had an iphone in it, but according to the seller's sentence: "a photo of an iPhone only, no phone included"
    if the picture have more than just the iphone, then you could return it because the description said "iphone only" - this means no table, no box, no nothing, not even background. and the picture has to be the one from the description, if not you can return it based on the fact that the item is not as described.



    pink floyd animals. 1977 with Pink Floyd Animals
  • 1977 with Pink Floyd Animals

  • zuma022
    Sep 3, 01:20 PM
    Here's mine. Doubt anyone wants my cat on their desktop, so not posting a link.

    http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/4345/screenshot20100903at111.png (http://img34.imageshack.us/i/screenshot20100903at111.png/)

    pink floyd animals. storm thorgerson
  • storm thorgerson

  • davidjacobs21
    Mar 11, 02:24 PM
    Isnt willowbrook closed becasue of flooding?


    pink floyd animals. Pink Floyd - Animals
  • Pink Floyd - Animals

  • Mudbug
    Aug 19, 12:07 AM

    pink floyd animals. pink-floyd-animals2.jpg
  • pink-floyd-animals2.jpg

  • apolloa
    Mar 23, 09:16 AM
    Now if this guy is not leaving to retire. Then RIP Apple. Seriously, if Apple thinks I want my computer to resemble an overgrown iPad then they can loose my money and I'll be buying an Alienware.
    Microsoft seem to be the only ones that still get computers? Apple has done brilliantly as well but I really do worry that they have an itch to dumb them down to ridiculous levels!!

    Then again...... perhaps the man is leaving because he just is not comfortable with the talk from other employee's about where they want to take Apple after Mr Jobs leaves which is no doubt going to be very soon. I have a feeling they want to go in an entirely new direction..

    IMO you don't leave a massively successful company after 22 years without a reason unless your retiring.


    pink floyd animals. Pink Floyd Animals Cartoon
  • Pink Floyd Animals Cartoon

  • Ha ze
    Nov 20, 09:03 PM
    i don't see why so many people think iChat on a phone is so crazy or why it would need to be wifi.

    i have a button on my Razr that is a direct connection to AIM so instant messaging from a phone isn't crazy, two of the people on my buddy list are on mobile phones.

    iChat would be faster then texting and just cause this "second phone" would be very iChat based doesn't mean it wont be a phone. It sounds very sidekick like and the sidekick of course has AIM on it.

    If they make a phone that will beat the Sidekick (shouldn't be too hard) then i'm in, i'd prefer that then just a a regular candy bar phone

    pink floyd animals. sealed pink floyd animals lp
  • sealed pink floyd animals lp

  • BigDonII
    May 4, 08:46 AM
    May unlock iphone is now searching for a signal. Every-time i make a call and hang up, i loose signal and phone beeps twice. I have done a restore, but no help.


    pink floyd animals. This “Pink Floyd Animals”
  • This “Pink Floyd Animals”

  • jtap
    Feb 21, 02:31 AM
    Link to original please??? :D

    Not sure where I found the original but here is the wallpaper:


    Cropped it myself. ;)

    pink floyd animals. Pink Floyd - Animals
  • Pink Floyd - Animals

  • benthewraith
    Dec 1, 05:58 PM


    pink floyd animals. Pink Floyd: Animals middot; Pink
  • Pink Floyd: Animals middot; Pink

  • feakbeak
    Sep 24, 08:01 PM
    There are multiple angles to the situation. He is 18 and even if he wasn't - he's still his own person and does make his own decisions. Still, you do have influence over his life since you pay the bills and provide for him. This doesn't give you the right to harass him but I think it is fair to set rules for what time you want him home and if he can sleep over somewhere else. I wouldn't push the "you can't have sex" thing because he's going to do what he wants, but if you do not approve tell him you don't approve of teenagers having sex for whatever your reasons you may have. Also explain that he can (and will) make his own decisions and that you will be respectful of that. He will have to be responsible for those choices. Encourage him to have safe sex and give the usual advice. I don't think you need to put the condoms in his hands though.

    When I was 19, I was in college and my gf lived about four hours away, during the summer we'd visit each other for weekends and such and we had to stay at each other's parents' house out of necessity. Neither of our parents allowed us to sleep in the same room. We weren't having intercourse anyway, but we were intimate during these visits and if we had wanted to we would have had intercourse - where there's a will, there's a way! You can't stop that but I think it is fair to set the "rules of your home" and if he doens't follow them there are consequences: paying rent, pulling his share, etc. Many on this board find this to be unreasonable, but I don't - it's your home. I don't think you need to butt heads on this topic. If you talk about it like reasonable adults I'm sure you can come to a reasonable compromise that you're both comfortable with. Just be open-minded, honest and willing to concede on some points if he makes valid arguments. Talk to him without coming off as judgmental or controlling - it sounds like he is reaching out for your approval/guidance to some extent.

    Don't make your love conditional, but your financial support and what you will tolerate in your home is conditional. My step-sister (22-years old) needed a place to stay when starting work after college and so she crashed with me. It was only for about two months. She didn't pay any rent and she was just sleeping on my couch. I told her I didn't want her having sex with guys in my livingroom. It's my home and I didn't want to walk in on that or hear it going on in my small condo - it would have been weird. She had guys over, caught them making out... fine. I didn't care what she did, she stayed over at guy's places which was fine by me. We both we're fine with our arrangement, probably because we talked it over like adults. I didn't want to control her life at all, I just didn't want MY home to feel uncomfortable for me. I guess that's a completely different situation, but it illustrates my point.

    Don't try to stop the sex, becuase you can't. Don't be an ass about it becuase you'll only push him away. Tell him it is his choice to have sex but that since you don't approve of it and you provide for him that you're not going to set "house rules" that encourage it or make it easy. Do be open, honest and support him no matter what he chooses to do. This isn't something worth losing a very valuable relationship over.

    pink floyd animals. of PINK FLOYD - Animals
  • of PINK FLOYD - Animals

  • RaceTripper
    Apr 4, 06:09 PM
    I saw that article about the M5 concept this morning. The new 5er looks much better than the one just replaced, but I'm still very partial to the E39 5 series. I had a 2003 530i and to this day regret getting rid of it.


    pink floyd animals. Pink Floyd - Animals
  • Pink Floyd - Animals

  • marksman
    Apr 27, 06:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    No, that already exists for cydia users...

    Yes. This goes to show you how smart JB users are.. They actually instill apps that disable functionality of their phone.

    pink floyd animals. Pink Floyd Animals Album Cover
  • Pink Floyd Animals Album Cover

  • patmort02
    Feb 26, 06:24 PM
    PM sent

    pink floyd animals. Pink Floyd - Animals 1977
  • Pink Floyd - Animals 1977

  • caspersoong
    Apr 8, 07:14 AM
    Nearing my 25 GB quota... Not gonna update unless it is worth it. (Obviously)

    Nov 11, 09:09 AM
    ok, STOP FIGHTING over freeness ;)

    anything goes thats remotely free, trials sharewares freeware.... anything... :):):)

    Hey hey hey the great thread starter speaks. It's good to have set boundaries.

    Lord Blackadder
    Jan 21, 01:49 PM
    One thing I forgot to point out earlier is that the base price of the new Jetta and Passat is lowered by a huge amount, but (at least in the case of the Jetta) the diesel version @ $22k isn't really any cheaper than in the previous version.

    Now, with the Jetta, we know that VW saved a ton of money by fitting the antediluvian 2.0 8v engine. But the base Passat comes with the 5-cylinder. I wonder how much the diesel will cost in the Passat?

    if you really like hot hatches: Fiat finally delivers the ultimate hatchback car ;)looks like Ferrari desperatly needed their own Panamera ... now jsut wait untill ferrari releases a SUV

    I guess I'll reserve judgment till I read reviews (and see it on Top Gear ;) ), but my first reaction is Ferrari! NOOOOOO! This is just one small step away from the inevitable SUV and Ferrari will be dead to me. :eek:

    Here's the deal. You need to understand how gas burning really works. You also are not at liberty to speak on what is or is not possible on that trip without actually having driven it - as I have.

    Start a thread about hypermiling and we can discuss (but I'm still skeptical, the hybrid Altima can exceed 50mpg).

    Dec 14, 06:38 PM
    i like it, what did you change? what icons etc.?

    Menubar icons v2 Leopard, SL by ~iAndrew: Link (http://iandrew.deviantart.com/art/Menubar-icons-v2-Leopard-SL-120653580)

    Zukunft - bowtie theme by ~janik: Link (http://janik.deviantart.com/art/Zukunft-bowtie-theme-109443279)

    Token Icons by ~brsev: Link (http://brsev.deviantart.com/art/Token-128429570) (Used Candybar and Mirage2)

    Wallpaper | At the light by Jorge Quinteros: Link (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jorgeq82/3351960835/in/photostream/)

    Nov 19, 01:41 PM
    Soft drinks are another example of a typical loss leader for grocery stores.

    Not true.. I am the Art Director for a Art department that makes grocery store ads.

    Soda is not a common loss leader since it's DSD Pepsi/Coke keep close price controls.

    I usually see produce and meat used as loss leaders..


    Another point... I expect that TJ MAXX just bought up a bunch of the Refurbished iPads and is taking a $50 loss on each to get people in the stores.

    Doctor Q
    Apr 16, 10:31 PM
    Please don't start duplicate threads.

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