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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 29, 06:54 AM
    Yawn, yawn, yawn!

    Did I mention YAWN?

    Move on Apple and Samsung.

    Nothing will come of it and you both know it.

    End result:

    Settle with no admission of guilt by either party.

    Lots of lawyers bills (Does provide work for some people)

    Back to business as usual.

    PS: When will Samsung's white iphone come out?

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  • cvaldes
    Apr 7, 09:26 AM
    Why all the negatives? Patches are a good thing.
    There are a lot of flame-baiting haters and sniveling little whiners in this forum. And I mean a lot.

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  • Hook'Em2006
    Feb 8, 07:42 PM
    My February desktop

    How do I get the cool weather widgets like that?
    New to Apple Computers! On my first one now and wanna do a little bit of customizing it! I just bought it Saturday!

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  • MacGeek7
    Oct 14, 07:59 PM
    Background from somewhere in InterfaceLift


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  • bboyredcel
    Nov 21, 10:21 AM
    a conversation i just had with a mac specialist.

    You are chatting with Scott C, an Apple Expert
    scott- Hi, my name is Scott C. How may I help you today?
    me- im just checking out this new applestore online feature
    me- its pretty cool
    scott- Good morning
    me- can i pre-order my iPhone here when it comes out in january?
    me- how much is that going to run, i want to order that now.
    scott- I am not familiar with the iPhone.
    me- oh
    me- you are not familiar with it?
    me- well i was going to wait for it to come out so i could buy it and use it as my phone
    scott- I am unaware of any future or unreleased products.
    me- but since you are unfamiliar with it, im going to go buy a microsoft windows phone and lock myself into a 2 year contract in which i will be unable to purchase any other phone
    i wont be buying the iPhone. :(
    i thought it was coming out soon
    but since you are unaware, im going to have to get myself an HP iPaq
    scott- There are rumors posted online about it, but I am unaware of any factual information about it.
    me- oh
    me- i heard about it on TV though
    me- im one of those people who believes everything they see on TV, not really... but i was quite taken by the iphone they showed on TV and i was going to wait because i know Apple releases the highest quality products i know of. buying the phone they made was going to be my next tech purchase
    but now i am going to go get a $400 HP iPaq and lock myself into it for 2 years
    scott- Well, it might be worth it to wait and see if Apple does release one then.
    me- oooookkkk
    me- thank you
    scott- Thank you for visiting the Apple Store. We appreciate your business.
    me- thank you for chatting

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  • HDJulie
    Feb 10, 10:10 AM
    I logged in & my current Family Talk 700 plan does not have the +, when I click change plan, no 700 minute plan shows as an option because I already have the 700 minute plan, & when I click on A-List it says I have no A-List. The FAQ for the A-List still says 1400 is the minimum for the Family plan. I'll keep an eye out, though, because it is certainly possible that if they made this change today, they haven't yet updated the site.


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  • SandynJosh
    Mar 25, 01:15 PM
    I seriously had a dream last night that maps was updated to 3D and you could use the gyroscope etc to fly through optional routes before chosing which one to take ahha.

    Apple's been advertising a job opening just for YOU!

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  • Soreo
    Jun 22, 04:10 PM

    Way to completely (for lack of a batter term) blue-ball everyone...


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  • psyduckiee
    Apr 4, 01:54 PM
    A little pricey for a slider type case. Looks great but waiting for the reviews to come out. If the price was more like the Commuter than it would be some what worth it.

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  • DrewDaHilp1
    Apr 4, 11:14 AM
    Price when I sell my current iPhone 4 just went up 50 bucks.

    Yup. I'm thinking the same thing.


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  • BoyBach
    Nov 29, 12:33 PM
    The studios want Apple to limit the number of iPods that the downloads can be played on. Do they not realise that the entire point of the iTunes Store is to drive sales of the highly profitable iPods? I cannot see Apple agreeing.

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  • Fotoguy10002
    Apr 22, 03:55 PM
    I downloaded a movie rental before my travels and when I tried to play it an error message came up that said the movie is unable to play. I have tried restating the I pad 2 but it did not correct the problem. Any advice on how to correct this issue.



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  • Mondays
    Oct 10, 09:57 AM

    love and friendship sayings. i love you friend sayings.
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  • TheOnlyJon
    Dec 24, 12:08 PM
    This (http://www.amazon.com/KitchenAid-ProLine-6-2dqt-2e-Stand-Mixer/dp/B000TM4IQ6) is the only thing I know about.


    Oh nice! I've always wanted one of those with all of the attachments to make noodles and sausage and hamburgers and ... :D


    love and friendship sayings. i love you friend sayings.
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  • hulugu
    May 5, 01:11 PM
    So, what do you call, and how do we handle the individual(s)who planned, and helped to plan the death of 3,000 + individuals on 9/11, the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole, the Bali nightclub bombings, and who knows how many more acts of terrorism?

    Can you honestly sit there and tell me that when we have in custody a high profile leader such as K.S.M. who has intricate, first hand knowledge of a terrorist organization that we should not do all that we can to obtain as much information from this person as possible? I suppose your thinking (and those of many others here) is that he should have been given a trial by jury, sent to prison, and that we had no right to try and obtain information from him?

    This is a false choice. We can interrogate someone, but we cannot torture them.

    Think The Closer rather than 24.

    To quote someone else in this thread "show me proof", in terms of actual statements given under duress and the results of that information. Until you or I see that we are both really just hand-waving.

    As for the guy in the video, he's really the only one out there that I have seen that is so vocal about the ineffectiveness of E.I. I suspect that he is either someone that:

    a) Is just out to make a quick buck off his book;
    b) Has a grudge;
    c) Has remorse about things that he has done and is trying to make amends.

    So, you're going to dismiss the arguments of Matthew Alexander, but readily accept those of people who could be prosecuted for ordering acts of torture? I'd think that John Yoo, for example, would be much less trustworthy than Alexander in these cases.

    BTW, if you guys haven't read Marc Thiessen's Courting Disaster, pick it up. He explains that waterboarding was not used to get answers to questions or confessions, but rather to break their will and spirit and get them to agree to start cooperating.

    Theissen's attempt to draw this distinction is just a distortion of logic. A person who has been tortured and knows that a moment's hesitation will lead to more torture is physiologically and psychologically different than they were before
    Torture changes (http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/80beats/2009/09/22/neuroscientist-says-torture-produces-false-memories-and-bad-intel/) the brain and damages memory and 'executive' faculties.

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  • AndrewR23
    Mar 27, 05:49 PM
    The bidders seem suspicious to me. They fit the pattern of scammers that buy something for a high price and end up scamming the seller in one way or another. So maybe the buyer will end up loosing his $450 picture!!! Poor guy. :rolleyes:

    Well I hope we find out soon what happens. I'm curious!


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  • iphonegeek786
    Feb 9, 09:16 PM
    Work for Gimp. And if they do, at what extent. I know it can't replace it guys, but I'm not too big on graphic design and wanted to delve a little in it first.

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  • techfreak85
    Mar 4, 12:02 PM
    I'm in.

    2009 Mac Pro Octo 2.26 reporting for duty.

    Make sure you get a passkey so you can get bonus points!

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  • pEZ
    Jul 24, 08:01 AM
    iPod playlist cloner (http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/16039)

    That's assuming the files are still on your computer, just not the playlists.

    Oct 5, 05:39 PM
    i'm a webdesigner and totally agree with psychometry.

    the new textarea feature is the worst way to resolve one of safari worst layout problems. current textarea doesn't show the scrollbars everytime it's necessary and sometimes resizes horizontaly while you're typing, damaging some page layouts.

    if the new feature allows users to resize both verticaly and horizontaly it's probably a bad sollution apple found to the scroll problem.

    if you don't design pages you may not understand, but sometimes its necessary to fix a size to a textarea and other components (height and width), otherwise it will push other elements and images would look like a puzzle. fixing size is one of the solutions to make pages working in different browsers, once each one show form elements diffrently.

    even if the resize feature doesn't push other elements, override them would be terrible as well. if you have links and other text fields for example, how would it behave if you use tab key to swich field in a form?

    Just tried the *similar* feature in OmniWeb's browser it's not even half as bad as you guys are making it out to be... don't be a whine-o :D

    Oh yah and by the way, I design websites. From my experience with people, it's better for them to have a good user experience on a site and the text area thing WILL help out. I believe that the text area expansion will only be temporary, and when the page is refreshed the design will look as good as it always was.

    Apr 25, 02:53 AM
    I have a black iPhone 4 but I am gonna list it on ebay and get the white one.

    I'm gonna do this partly because I have wanted the white since day 1 and I want a change having had the black since launch... Doesn't sound logical to most I know but hey I don't care!

    Secondly, having sold many iPhones on ebay, I know that the white versions sell well and when it comes to the time to sell again shortly before the iPhone 5 comes out (in say September) - the white will do better than the black would.

    All in all I expect to pay around �80 for the switch from black to white and, as I say, I expect to get a better price for the white when it comes to sell in the future.

    Still, a completely well thought out, illogical decision to most I know I know lol!

    Jan 29, 01:21 AM
    If you right-click iTunes in the Finder and choose "Show Package Contents", you will find graphic files in different sizes (cd, dvd jacket) for all the genres iTunes recognizes. I believe it is possible to add your own graphics/genres provided you follow the naming convention.

    Hope this helps...

    Nov 11, 02:10 PM
    For feature films and television these days, Final Cut is ABSOLUTELY the industry standard. Oh and in the 8 years I've lived in Hollywood, I never met one person in the industry who uses a Windows PC (maybe a writer or two).

    I never killed anyone (maybe a fanboy or two) lol

    Mar 20, 09:02 AM
    The larger projects are the ones you make your money on. Little jobs sometimes hardly warrant all the time in initial consultation, doing quotes, invoices, possibly banking cheques and other admin. So don't necessarily turn down good work, but just make sure you're setting your prices, not him. Charge him for every minute of author's corrections too, and make sure that's written on the quote that he signs to accept the job.

    Oh, and I forgot to say before, if you do decide to take on any more work from him, make sure you get paid for these jobs first! He could be a non-payer, and then you'll really know what a nightmare client is all about!

    Hi. Thanks for the advice. I definitely won't lift a finger towards another job until he pays for this one. I made sure he paid up for the logo before I started the site concept. Overall the guy gives me bad vibes. My other clients are always happy with the end result and we interact civilly. If this guy talks down to me one more, I'll politely cut him loose. Who needs the headache. :) Thanks again!

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