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  • transpass
    07-13 11:53 AM
    Thanks for all who replied...

    Did anyone travel to India, by landing at Delhi Intl airport, and then proceeding to other destination city through a domestic airline?

    Never been to Delhi, and I have no idea how Intl and domestic travel works in tandem...


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  • anda007
    10-30 12:11 PM
    I live in the Denver-Colorado Area and myself and lot of my other friends went to the USCIS office at 8AM on a saturday, one before the schduled appointment
    They made us wait for about 30 minutes extra, till they could finish the current filers
    After that we were called and had our fingerprinting done

    I would suggest, go there over the weekend and get it done with

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  • njdude26
    04-07 11:10 AM
    Are they now allowing to get a H1/H4 stamping done in Canada instead of going back to home country ?

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  • sduddukuri
    02-09 08:24 AM
    Not sure, employer is not sharing the "reason for denial" letter. Since me and my wife went to india and got visa stamped, i didnot force them.


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  • nkavjs
    11-09 08:52 PM
    I did answer your question in my first post and asked you a question on which you replied:
    There is a website called Google. Its amazing in that it is above nationality and responds to every "what is..."
    I'm answering your question, and you are being sarcastic - what do you expect?

    Well friend.. If you are not aware of any specific culture or any nation's tradition in specific, then please dont comment anything.
    Happy Diwali was targeted for the readers who cared to understand it at the first place. and BTW you NEVER answer any of his questions to start with..
    Directing a newcomer to Google search is NOT a intelligent answer if you thought you answered any of his questions..
    Never mind.. I think you got my message.

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  • nlalchandani
    10-02 06:28 AM
    Hi All,

    Just a brief overview of my scenario...I came to US on H1b in Nov 2006 for a small consultancy and started work after 2 weeks .....and continued at the client until the last day..

    My Company used to pay us 1 month lately i.e for say month of mar we were paid in may....as such when i left them after giving them proper notice i had to take 2 months salary ......after a lot of persistence from my side my employer deposited my 1 month salary in bank account but diditn sent the associated paystub and stopped replying for the other month salary and paystubs...

    meanwhile I applied for H1 Transfer through a reputed company in July before resigning and giving the paystub for may which was generated in month of July......

    I am waiting for the transfer to complete so as to report my previous employer to DOL....for recovering my wages and documents.....

    I have all the valid documents like approved timesheets and client reference and letter citing out details of dates till i worked as well as email correspondence with my previous employer...

    In worst case if INS ask me for the June and July Paystubs which i didnt get from my employer, can it effect the H1 Transfer and if so can the document like timesheets and client letters,bank statements, email correspondence with my previous employer suffice.......

    If u all support i want to teach this guy a lesson...so please come forward and give me suggestions....although i was always working but still due to this stupid guy i have doubts in my mind....

    Hey People i want justice ,this guy has harrassed me a lot and put my carreer at least 2 years back....i had excellent background allways worked with reputed concerns...

    Please help...any help will be highly appreciated.

    I was in a similar situation and filed a complaint with state DOL...It is going to be a year and haven't heard back from them. I will follow up and check the status.. Every state has limits till when u can file the complaint so do check. Send me a PM if you plan to file TX/IL...


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  • gk_2000
    01-04 11:36 PM
    Well you do have to give them some credit for restoring the balance with UK... Maybe this will be good time to bring up social security savings

    On another matter -- birthright citizenship.. there could be a window of opportunity to include provision against country limits, as both use country of birth as the criteria.

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  • eb2_mumbai
    10-28 09:37 AM
    Labor + 140 if complted without any RFE would take least 8 - 12 months. But considering today's conditions that is highly unlikely so ballpark figure would be 15 - 18 months. Also if it gets rejected for any reason lawyer mistakes or A2P or education etc then it would be waste of time and resources.


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  • gconmymind
    01-15 04:02 PM
    8 months is too much...On one hand, we can not apply for H1 renewal before 6 months of expiration and on the other hand they take more than 6 months to process? Do they purposely want to create more complications here? What a bunch of baboons!!!

    Anyways, is there a way we can convert our regular application to premium processing once it's already filed. I've filed for my extension in Oct 07 and till today no updates...USCIS is making me sick!!!!
    You need to fill in a form (910 or something, i dont remember). With your receipt number and this form, you can convert your case to premium. I did that for 140, should be possible for H1 also. Talk to your lawyer for details...

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  • ronhira
    10-05 09:34 PM
    Neil, Hoffman, Greg, IIya, ,
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  • sparky_jones
    09-30 07:49 PM
    Thanks for your response. I guess option 1 would be preferable. However, the fact that there is no straightforward way of confirming if USCIS took action on the request to remove the attorney is a little unnerving.

    Option 1:
    You could write a letter to USCIS to let them know that this attorney who filed your I-485 does not represent you anymore and future correspondence be addressed to you directly and also to revoke the G-28. You will not get any letter from USCIS confirming that your request was processed.

    Option 2:
    You could hire a new attorney to represent you. In that case he would file a new G-28, the USCIS does send a letter confirming that they accepted your new attorney representation. Meanwhile, until this happens, all the correspondence will go to the old attorney who could potentially screw up your case.

    If you are lucky enough and don't get a RFE till the new G-28 is accepted, You are SAFE. Also, any attorney you hire will charge you the FULL fees for I-485 filing that will be at least $3000.00 plus additional $5000.00 (If your case gets complicated). My best bet for you is to use option 1 and save your hard earned $. As you'll be taking your chances anyways.

    You should urge LIVE to start up an emergency rescue service (similar to what AAA does), i.e., to get an attorney who would help taking up cases for members only who suffer from unscrupulous attorneys for free and charge a low monthly membership fees till one gets the green card. I hope someone from LIVE is reading this post?

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  • stevensjd
    10-20 03:28 PM
    "Service Center Processing Dates for Texas Service Center as of: August 31, 2008 " :confused::mad:


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  • latbsol
    02-25 11:19 AM
    Hey, thanks for the feedback and clarifications. Good to know that my EB2 will not affect the existing EB3. Yeah, I agree things are kind of grey when it comes to using the on-the-job work experience. I guess it depends on individual circumstances and there is no certainity about what will apply where.

    It would be really nice if the USCIS publishes some clear written material on these rules and regulations, like a FAQs that answers the most nagging questions someone has about Employment Based immigration. Does something like that exist? Does anyone know?


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  • sheela
    10-15 09:56 PM
    Thank you.

    I also am thinking same. But since I had medical RFE, I am not expecting any more RFE at this point. Looking at my PD, it wouldbe another year or 2 in best case scenario to pickup the file and get over it. So if can get a break of 2-3 months between jobs,it would save me alot of tension and worry.

    and if officer wanted EVL, he would had added a clause in my recent RFE.No point in going back to my file and saying. oh!! let me ask him EVL now that he is done with medicals. And if he does that it would be atleast an year or 2 if not later.

    But then again, nobody can predict USCIS, but atleast I can be happy that I thought thru it and probability is very very slim of me hitting a bus on an intersection.

    Keeping fingers crossed until approved is the mantra.

    I believe IOs must be having a kind of 'work-sheet' while they are reviewing and are checking each box (?) for any missing info/link and if needed, will list the info required (all-in-one-go). and send out rfe. Once a satisfactory response is received --case is approved OR pre-adjudicated only to be approved when current.


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  • jvordar
    07-12 11:34 PM
    hello everybody... have been following this forums since couple days and finally joined it today... hope to post more in near future!!

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  • Googler
    02-14 05:22 PM
    Great ruling. The analysis is totally applicable to AOS. Moreover, the government admitted that it was wrong in recent memo.

    "In the context of removal proceedings, ICE has determined that FBI fingerprint checks and Interagency Border Inspection Services (IBIS) checks are the required checks for purposes of the applicable regulations."

    Wait a minute, isn't immigration judge able to grant AOS in removal proceedings? It means that the DHS acknowledges that it wrongfully interpreted regulations for all these years and that name check is not required by law (at least for AOS) as we were saying all along!

    I love also this part: "in the unlikely event that FBI name checks reveal actionable information".

    As judge Baylson pointed out, "name check" is nowhere to found in laws and regs.

    Good point about the recent memo -- happily there are multiple pdfs of it floating around so they can't make that language disappear -- and and immigration judge granting AOS. Those two points should do.

    About "name check" nowhere found in laws -- i.e no language in some obscure subsection -- I just want to make sure that the interpretation is ironclad for AOS, we know it is for naturalization.

    Yep, I *love* the "unlikely event" part.


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  • kroy1976
    04-14 08:05 AM
    Yes, your reply is exactly same as her. But she added one more point. According to her The CBP officer can't deport a AP bearer. He/she has to parole the person and then can schedule a secondary check for I 140 validity. In such case my attorney can pitch in.

    But I am not sure if this is true or she is being over assuring.

    Thanks a lot

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  • GCapplicant
    08-14 02:10 PM
    checked with uscis ...she has mentioned we have to wait 90 days for the great receipt .Thats what shows in their system.

    if receipt takes so much time how about EAD.

    Earlier they mentioned 45 days...now 90 days.No idea.:(

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  • SSNN
    04-16 04:13 PM
    Should we wait until my PD becomes current, to try to link our aplications? Is that necessary? Is there any danger that my husband's 485 application might get lost if USCIS denies our request to link his case to mine now since my PD is not current?

    Don't know if this matters, but just this week, I got a RFE for employment verification. We have now sent necessary documents as requested by the dept.

    10-05 02:31 PM
    Same situation here any ideas?
    Guess this should be fine

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